
Monday, December 7, 2009

Roasted Butternut Squash Soup

Weeks before Thanksgiving even began, my mom and I visited our first Williams Sonoma store. It was so much fun. That probably sounds funny to 'non-foodie' people. But to us 'foodies', going into a cooking store is definitely our idea of a fun weekend activity. We spent a ton of time there and right before leaving and just to our luck, they put out some samples! One of which was there seasonally inspired roasted butternut squash soup using their canned butternut squash puree. We were sold by the taste and took home that organic puree immediately. On the down side, we had to wait over three weeks before we could try it, as it was to be our Thanksgiving appetizer.

More sad news: The recipe for the soup was on the side of the jar. Which we recycled before I could blog about it. My memory isn't so great that I could remember all that you'd need to do. I am scouring the internet, however. No luck so far.

More sad news: Why didn't I take a picture of this bowl of heaven? I guess we'll never know...

Good news: This soup is honestly to die for. It's reminescient of tomato soup with the creamy yet hearty factor you get from it. And for my family I put a little more onion in and loved it. This is a super super healthy dish that's sweet and savory at the same time.

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