In trying to keep with making more home cooked dinners, my mom and I bought a head of cauliflower and told ourselves we'd make something with it. A cauliflower casserole pie thing was planning, but then laziness set in. The usual. But, after it sat in our fridge for a week, I did some major cleaning out of our fridge and managed to come up with something pretty neat!
I had a ton of leftover dough from when I made pretzels. I didn't nearly use the whole batch and I didn't plan on making anymore, if you can remember. So I had some dough to pitch, or find some use for. Then, I had a whole head of cauliflower and a block of Swiss cheese. Ok, at this point you can see where my mind went. PIZZA. When I told my mom I was interested in making cauliflower pizza see thought it was wacky but was definitely willing to try. I believe I've heard of cauliflower pizza before so I didn't think it was too crazy. And, since we were planning to not have a red sauce, my dad would actually eat it! Yay!
The first step was to wash and roast the cauliflower. I just did a simple drizzle of EVOO and some salt and pepper over top. Maybe for 15 mins at 350? It could vary. Whenever it looks slightly roasted and not burnt, take it out. Then, I spread my dough in a round cake pan. I have been wanting to try pan pizzas for a long time now, so this was my attempt=) I then spread garlic over the dough and added my cauliflower to it. Add tomatoes and cheeses, and you're done! This was so easy and extremely delish.
The taste was great. It made it even more satisfying knowing I did it myself. I loved the pan pizza effect. Fluffy, but tasty and still enough of a cooked outside and middle. The cauliflower acted like the meat of the pizza. It was a real star. And I love tomatoes so I was glad they made an appearance. The Swiss cheese as well was an interesting piece and it definitely added some fun taste to the pizza. This recipe is definitely a keeper in my family!
Cauliflower Pan Pizza
by: Me!
(The amounts for these components can all really vary. Just be creative and use your own judgment. Don't like tomatoes? Leave them out! Want more cauliflower? Go for it! Just have fun with it!)
Cauliflower pieces
Swiss cheese
Parmesan cheese
Diced tomatoes
Pizza dough (or leftover bagel dough hehe)
Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Press pizza dough into the bottom of a round pan. Spread some garlic over the dough. Sprinkle and lightly press in the cauliflower. Sprinkle diced tomatoes over the cauliflower layer. Add Swiss and Parmesan to the top to your liking.
Cook for 18 minutes, or whenever it looks ready! Allow to cool for 5-10 minutes and enjoy!
One more thing...italian seasoning. We just sprinkled a little bit. And, I thought we scattered some finely chopped onions? Whatever we did ( and I can say we because I helped, it was delicious! Mom