Since I wouldn't be eating lunch at school, I could make something special to eat! Thank goodness I had sweet potatoes in the house. The adorable blog SnackFace has an amazing recipe that almost everyone knows about. Her famous Chu-Chu-Chu-Cheetahs! I have been longing to try these and follow the trend of sweet potatoes. And I'm so glad I did!
1 Sweet Potato
(sprinkle cinnamon on the coins for a sweet treat version)
Put foil on a baking sheet and lay slices of your sweet potato on it. You can use non-stick spray, but I didn't. Bake for 15 minutes on both sides or until black spots form. (Like cheetah spots!)
Enjoy with PLENTY of ketchup!
These were so good and much better for you than french fries. They can be super versatile too, so I can't wait to have these again and again!
As a follow up dessert I decided to make protein powder cookie batter! I have protein powder that left over from volleyball season and I haven't used it in forever. I'm really glad I found this recipe because know it'll be fun to eat. Instead of grosssss.
Protein Powder Cookie Dough:
1 scoop protein powder
2 tbsp peanut butter
1 tablespoon water
*I then added a generous sprinkle of cinnamon, my fav, and a small splash of milk. This greatly helped create a wonderful consistency. (And of course I added whipped cream...!)
This was so delicious! It is such a great idea for dessert. And it's healthy for you!
Later tonight I'll pretty much be having a repeat of last week. Basketball game, dinner with my best best friends, and then a sleepover! I can't wait! I was supposed to go to dinner with another group of friends before the game... but 2 dinners? As wonderful as that sounds I may have to pass=/
Go Chargers!
Uh, I don't know about that protein cookie dough. :) I think I'll go with the sweet potato!